3 papers from NOVA LINCS in Eurosys 2015
NOVA LINCS PhD Students and Researchers will present 3 papers at EuroSys 2015. Eurosys is a top venue conference for systems research and the flagship conference of the European chapter of ACM SIGOPS.
The three publications, to be presented in late April in Bordeaux France, cover several aspects in systems research and are a result of collaborations between researchers of NOVA LINCS and researchers at Microsoft Research in Cambridge, Max Plank Institute for Software Systems, Cornell University and INRIA, France.
The list of accepted publications is the following:
Putting the Consistency back into Eventual Consistency. Valter Balegas, Sérgio Duarte, Carla Ferreira, Rodrigo Rodrigues, and Nuno Preguiça (NOVA LINCS / FCTUNL) and Mahsa Najafzadeh and Marc Shapiro (LIP6 UPMC / INRIA).
Visigoth Fault Tolerance. Daniel Porto and Joao Leitão (NOVA LINCS / FCT-UNL), Cheng Li (MPISWS), Allen Clement (MPISWS/Google), Aniket Kate (MMCI), Flavio Junqueira (Microsoft Research), and Rodrigo Rodrigues (NOVA LINCS / FCT-UNL)
Gx: Enforcing data policies at the storage layer. Anjo Vahldiek, Eslam Elnikety, Aastha Metha, Deepak Garg, Peter Druschel, and Ansley Post (MPISWS), Rodrigo Rodrigues (NOVA LINCS / FCT-UNL), and Johannes Gehrke (Microsoft/Cornell)