Publication date: 18 de May, 2018

BioVisualSpeech powers speech therapy with games

Sofia Cavaco, NOVA LINCS researcher from Multimodal Research Group, leads the research project BioVisualSpeech with the objective to develop a platform for speech therapy sessions for children, using human-computer interaction and machine learning techniques. The use of computer games motivates and keep children engaged in the exercises so that the therapy sessions could be more successful. This platform also provides to speech therapists a decision support system to monitor the progress of children and plan future therapy sessions.

BioVisualSpeech project was invited to perform a demonstration of its platform at the 10th European Congress of Speech and Language Therapy, held on May 10-12 2018 in Estoril, Portugal, and which counted with around 600 participants. This participation gave the opportunity to demonstrate the BioVisualSpeech platform to speech and language therapy professionals from all over the world.

The European Congress of Speech and Language Therapy is organized by CPLOL (Standing Liaison Committee of EU Speech and Language Therapists and Logopedists), the umbrella organization for Speech and Language associations, uniting 32 countries with more than 80’000 professionals across Europe.