Publication date: 22 de January, 2025

“Cultural Heritage 360”: providing free online access to Portuguese Cultural Heritage

The “Cultural Heritage 360” project was presented at the National Museum of Archaeology last January 16th in a public session with the participation of  the Secretary of State for Culture, the President of the Museums and Monuments of Portugal EPE and the President of the Cultural Heritage IP.

The project includes the digitalization of 59,500 Movable Cultural Assets and 65 virtual visits to Portuguese Museums, Monuments, Palaces and Archaeological Sites.

Currently, more than 20,000 digitizations have already been produced, and it is possible to follow the ongoing process through the Património Cultural 360 Making Of website.

The initiative involves the work of a multidisciplinary team of more than 50 specialists, coordinated by Nuno Correia, NOVA LINCS director, and Márcia Vilarigues (VICARTE).

The project is funded by the measure “C04-i01-m02 – Digitalization of Arts and Heritage” under the Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR) and aims to contribute to modernizing the technological infrastructure of public cultural facilities in Portugal and promoting their digital transition.

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