
Publication date: 1 de June, 2021

12th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR’2008)

Program maintenance and reengineering are vital software engineering activities for facilitating the evolution of large software systems. However, software maintenance is not only to be considered for existing systems but also for new systems, where software models and artifacts are evolved as part of iterative and incremental development processes. It is then of no surprise that significant time and budget is usually spent for maintenance and reengineering activities.

The European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR) is the premier European conference on the theory and practice of maintenance, reengineering and evolution of software systems and has attracted over the years high quality papers both from the industry and, the academia. CSMR promotes discussion and interaction among researchers and practitioners about the development of maintainable systems, and the evolution, migration and reengineering of existing ones. CSMR is not limited to European participants. Participants from non-European countries are encouraged to participate.

More information on the history of the conference and links to past venues can be found at

Location Athens, Greece
Startdate 01/04/2008
Enddate 04/04/2008