
Publication date: 1 de June, 2021

13th Conference on Software Engineering and Databases (JISBD’2008)

The Conference on Software Engineering and Databases (JISBD) has been consolidated as a reference event where Spanish, Portuguese and Latin-American researchers and professionals on Software Engineering and Databases can meet and discuss, disseminate and exchange ideas, share experiences and results, thus establishing a suitable collaborative forum among the different sectors and research groups in these areas. The 13th edition of this conference will be held in Gijón, in October 7-10, 2008.

Accordingly to this outstanding framework for scientific and technological interchange, we aim at supporting the presentation of original quality research work, as well as experience reports, tutorials, tool demonstrations, workshops for discussing novel ideas and ongoing work, and dissemination of research work already published in prestigious journals or conference proceedings.

Startdate 07/10/2008
Enddate 10/10/2008