
Publication date: 1 de June, 2021

28th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, Special track on Object Oriented Programming Languages and Systems

Object-oriented programming (OOP) has become the mainstream programming paradigm for developing complex software systems in most application domains.

However, existing OO languages and platforms need to evolve to meet the continuous demand for new abstractions, features, and tools able to reduce the time, effort, and cost of creating object-oriented software systems, and improving their performance, quality and usability.

To this aim, OOPS is seeking for research advances bringing benefits in all those typical aspects of software development, such as modeling, prototyping, design, implementation, concurrency and distribution, code generation, analysis, verification, testing, evaluation, deployment, maintenance, reuse, and software evolution and adaptation.

The specific OO related topics of interest for the OOPS track include, but are not limited to, the following:

Aspects and components
Code generation, and optimization, just-in-time compilation
Distribution and concurrency
Dynamic and scripting languages
Formal verification
Integration with databases, object persistence
Integration with other paradigms
Interoperability, versioning and software evolution and adaptation
Language design and implementation
Modular and generic programming
Reflection, meta-programming
Secure and dependable software
Software product lines
Static analysis
Type systems and type inference
Virtual machines

Location Coimbra, Portugal
Startdate 18/03/2013
Enddate 22/03/2013
URL http://