
Publication date: 1 de June, 2021

European Software Engineering Conference (ESEC) and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE)

This 5th ESEC/FSE is a 5 day long event featuring 6 workshops, 8 tutorials, a doctoral symposium, 3 keynote talks (including as usual the ACM SIGSOFT Outstanding Research Award keynote), 8 research tool demonstrations, and 32 technical paper presentations in the main conference. Topics covered showcase the diversity and breadth of software engineering and its applications: software evolution, requirements, modeling, specification, verification, testing, middleware, web services, configuration management, product lines, components, patterns, aspects, etc. ESEC/FSE’05 will provide ample opportunities for participants to exchange ideas, discuss results, and start collaborations. Student participation is especially encouraged through a doctoral symposium with free registration, the SIGSOFT conference attendance programme, and the availability of inexpensive rooms at the student residence.

ESEC/FSE’05 takes place in Lisbon, a city with a rich and eventful history. According to legend, it was founded by Ulysses; Romans and Moors dwelled here for centuries; in the 15th century, it was the starting point for several of the sea voyages of the Discoveries Age that brought East and West closer together; it hosted the European Capital of Culture in 1994, a World Exhibition in 1998 and the UEFA Cup in 2004. All these and many other events left their mark, shaping Lisbon into a city that displays old and new architectural, gastronomical and cultural influences.

Location Campolide campus of the New University of Lisbon
Startdate 05/09/2005
Enddate 09/09/2005