
Publication date: 1 de June, 2021

HCI International 2009 Session: Rapid User Interface Prototyping – RUIP

User Interfaces are very often developed in parallel to the system they control, whether for organizational reasons or because the system itself is still in the development phase. This typically means that the developing process requires a certain flexibility of the development framework. In this context, suitable development frameworks should provide features to easily add, remove or change design properties according to the requirements that are constantly evolving. A good example is the domain of control systems interfaces, where the high number of controls and exceptional situations require a well-organized methodology for rapid prototyping of UIs.

Despite the fact that this problem is not recent, the community recognizes that there is still the need for more effective solutions to face the increasing complexity and diversity of the systems. Therefore, we lack good rapid prototyping infrastructures to reflect the required new changes so that the system designer can be able to quickly simulate and validate the GUI against the operators (users).

In order to build a robust methodology that leads to a fast and effective way to derive GUIs from the specification of the system, or at least guide the system designer in its specification, we need to tackle the problem at different levels. As a consequence, several research topics have to be approached in an integrated manner so that we can achieve the required development framework.

The RUIP’s session at HCI International 2009 will bring together people with practical experience and/or involved in related theoretical research efforts.

We aim at precisely focusing and integrating the different relevant subjects from both Computer Science and Software Engineering. The invited experts will discuss issues starting at the design level of specification languages close to the problem domain (DSL). The topics will range from the discussion on the required underneath underlying formalisms and composition techniques, to issues concerning to expressiveness like for example the concept of adaptation. The session will highlight the relevant topic of Verification within this Domain. There will be an analysis of how Model Driven Engineering can help with issues like Transformation, Traceability, Simulation, Generation, and finally integration with target UI frameworks. Last but not least the session will bring to discussion industry case studies presenting interesting problems or highlighting difficult and new patterns in the domain of User Interface specification.

– Methodologies for Rapid Prototyping of User Interfaces
– Adaptation
– Formalisms for Prototyping User Interfaces
– Target Frameworks (3D and 2D engines)
– Verification
– Simulation and Validation
– Integrated development environments
– DSLs for User Interfaces
– Techniques for Code Generation
– Software Development Process of User Interfaces
– Traceability and Versioning
– Software Product Lines & Model Driven Engineering in User Interfaces
– Design
– Impact of User Interfaces DSLs on the Software Architecture
– Case Studies

Location San Diego, USA
Startdate 19/07/2009
Enddate 24/07/2009