
Publication date: 1 de June, 2021

HVC 2006 – Haifa Verification Conference

The second annual Haifa Verification Conference provides a forum for academia, industry, and the research and development community to share their work, exchange ideas, and discuss challenges and future research directions. The conference includes three full day sessions on verification technologies, verification tools, and software testing. Another half-day tutorial will follow the conference.

Trends in semiconductor technology scaling are presenting fundamental challenges for functional verification and software testing. The scope of the Haifa verification international conference ranges from conventional methods for stimuli generation to novel methods of guided simulation, formal methods and new hybrid techniques that incorporate dynamic and static functional verification, coverage methods, and new approaches for software testing together with coverage directed stimuli generation. The scope of the conference this year clusters technologies, tools and methodologies.

Location Haifa, Israel
Startdate 23/10/2006
Enddate 26/10/2006