
Publication date: 1 de June, 2021

HVC 2013 — Haifa Verification Conference

HVC 2013 is the ninth in the series of annual conferences dedicated to advancing the state-of the art and state-of-the-practice in verification and testing.
The conference provides a forum for researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to share their work, exchange ideas, and discuss the future directions of testing and verification for hardware, software, and complex hybrid systems.
The common underlying goal of these techniques is to ensure the correct functionality and performance of complex systems. HVC is the only conference that brings together researchers and practitioners from all verification and testing sub-fields, thereby encouraging the migration of methods and ideas among domains.
This year we will also have a special track on software testing. The track will have dedicated time during the conference, as well as a separate review process.

Location Haifa, Israel
Startdate 04/11/2013
Enddate 07/11/2013