
Publication date: 1 de June, 2021

MPM@MODELS 2010 4th International Model Workshop on Multi-Paradigm Modeling

Computational modeling has become the norm in industry to remain competitive and be successful. As such, Model-Based Design of embedded software has enterprisewise implications and modeling is not limited to isolated uses by a single engineer or team. Instead, it has reached a proliferation much akin to large software design, with requirements for infrastructure support such as version control, configuration management, and automated processing.

The comprehensive use of models in design has created a set of challenges beyond that of supporting one isolated design task. In particular, the need to combine, couple, and integrate models at different levels of abstraction and in different formalisms is posing a set of specific problems that the field of Computer Automated Multiparadigm Modeling (CAMPaM) is aiming to address.

The essential element of multiparadigm modeling is the use of explicit models throughout. This leads to a framework with models to represent the syntax of formalisms used for modeling, models of the transformations that represent the operational semantics, as well as model-to-model transformations for inter-formalism transformation. These models are then used to facilitate generative tasks in a language engineering, such as evolving a domain specific modeling formalism as its requirements change, but also in a tool engineering space, such as automatic generation of integrated development environments. Moreover, an explicit model of a model transformation allows analyses such as termination characteristics, consistency, and determinism.

The purpose of this workshop is to bring together researchers and practitiones in the area of Multi-Paradigm Modeling in order to identify possible points of synergy, common problems and solutions, tool building aspects and visions for the future of the area.

Location Oslo, Norway
Startdate 03/10/2010
Enddate 08/10/2010