
Publication date: 1 de June, 2021

QUATIC2010 – Quality in ICT Reengineering and Refactoring Thematic Track

Reengineering is the examination and alteration of a system in order to reconstitute it in a new form. It involves maintenance activities such as understanding, repairing, improving and evolving a system. ICT systems are often reengineered to cope with challenges such as the need to maintain legacy software, add new functionality, fix defects, improve quality attributes, or adopt new technology. As such, reengineering plays an essential role in providing high quality ICT systems. Refactoring is currently regarded as one of the most important reengineering techniques, and is used to transform software in order to improve its quality, in particular, internal software design quality. The growing importance of new development approaches such as service-orientation, aspect-orientation and product-line engineering, to name a few, brings new challenges to the reengineering and refactoring community. We seek contributions on how to use reengineering and, in particular, refactoring, to improve the quality of ICT systems.

Location Porto, Portugal
Startdate 28/09/2010
Enddate 02/10/2010