
Publication date: 1 de June, 2021

Seventh International Software Metrics Symposium (METRICS`2001)

The Seventh IEEE International Software Metrics Symposium was held in London, UK, April 4-6, 2001. The conference was collocated with the 12th European Software Control and Metrics Conference. Together, the conferences made up a unique week of interesting papers, presentations, and discussions on software metrics. The week brought together leading researchers and practitioners researching and using software measurement.
The conference had a high number of quality submissions, out of which 30 were selected for presentation at the conference. An international program committee reviewed and discussed the papers in-depth to ensure the best possible selection of papers. Most papers were reviewed by four reviewers, which ensured a high quality program.

Location London , UK
Startdate 04/04/2001
Enddate 06/04/2001