
Publication date: 1 de June, 2021

The 4th International Conference on Complex Distributed Systems (CODS 2010)

One of the most distinguishing requirements upon Information and Communication Technologies is today’s ever-changing, highly open dynamic environments in which large-scale ICT systems are situated to operate. Challenges for ICT systems engineering immediately arise including, e.g., systems scalability, systems ultra-dependability, systems convergence against uncertainty and emergence, and so forth. In recent years, emergence, adaptation, self-organization, self-management, etc. have received extensive interests in both academics and industries of software, computing and communications.

The CODS 2010 conference aims at providing an international forum for the researchers and practitioners in the related subject areas to exchange research results, experiences, as well as the visions of the future and the scientific and practical problems that challenge the current technology development.

Location Chongqing, China
Startdate 12/07/2010
Enddate 14/07/2010