João Leite keynote speaker at LPNMR 2017
NOVA LINCS researcher from the Knowledge-Based Systems Group, João Leite, was a keynote speaker at the 14th International Conference on Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning (LPNMR 2017), a top conference on logic programming, non-monotonic reasoning, and knowledge representation.
In his talk A Birds-Eye View of Forgetting in Answer-Set Programming João Leite presented a broad perspective of the complex landscape composed of the properties and operators of forgetting defined over the years in the context of Answer-Set Programming, and zoomed in on recent key findings related to the theoretical limits of what can be forgotten.
Forgetting is an operation that allows the removal of middle variables, no longer deemed relevant, from knowledge base. Its study was initially triggered by the wish to eliminate (temporary) variables representing auxiliary concepts, with the goal of restoring the declarative nature of some knowledge base, or just to simplify it. It is currently becoming a necessary operation to properly deal with legal and privacy issues, including, for example, to enforce the new EU General Data Protection Regulation, which includes the right to be forgotten.