Publication date: 22 de October, 2014

KBS researcher Luís Moniz Pereira reaches an H-index 40

NOVA-LINCS Knowledge Based Systems researcher Luis Moniz Pereira, pioneer of AI research in Portugal, and one of the founders of Logic Programming has recently achieved an h-index of 40 according to Google Scholar.

October 2014

Eradicating security leaks from code, before it runs

NOVA LINCS researchers Luísa Lourenço (PhD student) and Luis Caires (PI) will present a new paper on at POPL’15, which develops a powerful programming language based technique to ensure, at development time, information privacy in complex software systems.

POPL (the ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages), established 1973, is the very top world leading conference on its field, an extremely selective venue.

This is the 3th POPL paper (in 42 editions) involving a portuguese based team, and the 2nd by NOVA LINCS.

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