Publication date: 22 de February, 2018

NOVA Department of Informatics and NOVA LINCS at National Innovation Roadmap

Roteiro da Inovação (Innovation Roadmap) is a governmental initiative that intends to reinforce the innovation strategy for Portugal through the competitiveness based on knowledge and innovation. The Roadmap is structured around several thematic sessions throughout the country, intending to disseminate some examples of collaborative research oriented to respond to major national and global challenges.

The second session of the Roadmap, which took place on February 21, visited FCT NOVA and NOVA LINCS with the theme Digital Transformation and Artificial Intelligence.

This second session included the visit of the Prime Minister, with the Minister for Presidency and Administrative Modernization and the Minister for Science, Technology and Higher Education, to an exhibition with NOVA LINCS research projects demonstrations and some national technological companies.