Publication date: 12 de July, 2019

NOVA LINCS researchers receive 2019 Award

Flávio Martins and André Mourão, researchers from NOVA LINCS – NOVA Laboratory for Computer Science and Informatics – won the second place of the competition 2019 Award with their work — Dis·cover the news. The recently launched is a platform for global analysis of the Portuguese press that is able to reveal changes that might have been made in news articles after the initial publication.

With this new tool, we can see the revision history of each article, from its original version to the latest version. Additionally, it is also possible to search in the edited text and analyze the statistics of the edits for the different newspapers. To achieve this goal, it leverages new natural language processing techniques and artificial intelligence algorithms to find and classify the edits automatically into different categories.

The winners of the 2019 Award were announced by the Prime Minister of Portugal, António Costa, on July 8, during the opening session of “Science 2019 — Encounter with Science and Technology” at the Lisbon Congress Center. The 2019 Award aims to promote innovative works based on the historical information preserved on the Web accessible through preserves millions of files collected from the Web since 1996 and provides a public search service over this information.

Congratulations to Flávio Martins and André Mourão!