
Publication date: 1 de June, 2021

2010-2011 Large-scale parallel Monte Carlo simulations for Ocean Colour applications

A parallel Monte Carlo (MC) radiative transfer code for Ocean Colour (OC) applications, developed by the project members, is used to assess uncertainty budgets of in-situ above-water radiometric data products. This study component is underpinned by the increasing importance of in-situ above-water radiometry in the context of current validation and calibration activities on satellite observations of optically complex European coastal waters. The most relevant example is Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET), an international sensor network managed by the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. The network includes a component called AERONET-OC to support long-term satellite OC investigations through cross-site consistent and accurate in-situ measurements.
Coordinated by: Tamito Kajiyama (CITI), Davide D´Alimonte (CENTRIA), and Jose Cardoso Cunha (CITI).
The scope of the proposed study is to quantify uncertainty budgets due to environmental perturbations (e.g., sun/sky glints induced by sea-surface waves) and measurement protocols (e.g., effects of the integration time [i.e., the time interval required for a single measurement by sensors]) on in-situ measurements performed by autonomous radiometer systems in AERONET-OC. From a computer science viewpoint, a complementary study is conducted to develop tools for predictive performance modelling and adaptive runtime control of large-scale MC simulations. A major challenge here is to forecast the execution time of the MC code. A function regression scheme based on artificial neural networks is used to cope with a large number of input simulation parameters as well as environmental factors attributed to execution platforms.
(A total of 50000 CPU-hours was awarded to the present project for consumption of the Milipeia supercomputer at the University of Coimbra.)


José Cardoso e Cunha, Tamito Kajiyama,

Sname LSMC 2010-2011
State Concluded
Startdate 01/11/2010
Enddate 31/10/2011