
Publication date: 1 de June, 2021

Computational Logic as a Foundation for Computer Science and Intelligent Systems

The objective of the project is to promote the area of formal computational foundations of logic, computer science and intelligent systems, i. e., the area of Computational Logic, in South East Asia. The European partners are already engaged in an effort to turn Europe into the leading place for education and training in this area. The three-year pro ject aims at upgrading the staff of the Asian partners within a joint team schema, joint supervision of MSc and PhD students within a sandwich schema, courses of European professors and lectures at the Asian universities, the organisation of international summer schools, the development of curricula for single modules at the Asian universities, and the incorporation of video-teaching methods in cooperation and teaching. Cf.


José Júlio Alferes, Luís Moniz Pereira,

Funding Center 75000 Euro
Results Received several students from Vietnam and Indonesia for 6 month stays. Hosted a professor from T.U. Hanoi for 1 month. Taught a course at T.U. Hanoi in Jan/Feb05. Participated with one lecturer in the Summer School at T.U.Hanoi, August 05. Project coordination meetings. Yearly report.
State Concluded
Startdate 01/09/2004
Enddate 01/09/2007