
Publication date: 1 de June, 2021

End-to-End Privacy Enhanced Services using AWS EC2 (EC2 / AWS CloudSerach / AWS S3)

This project is focused on the research, design, implementation and experimental evaluation of privacy-enhanced services for cloud applications supported in Amazon EC2. The project investigates privacy-enhanced mechanisms for DBaaS and Key-Value Storage environments supported by a Full-Fledged End-to-End Privacy-Enhanced Middleware System implemented in a secure gateway, materialised as a virtualized runtime library running on a Checkpoint Cloud Guard vSEC appliance – a certified solution by Amazon AWS.
In this partnership NOVA Lincs helped AMAZON in the design, implementation and evaluation of a common middleware approach for full-fledged SQL private DBaaS systems (supported as MySQL DBaaS or AWS S3 Key-value Stores, to support AMAZON CloudSerach operations on encrypted data. The results of the project are used by AMAZON partners in the banking and financial sector, running data-analytics for multi-channel payment gateways and EBanking Platforms.

Main partnership: NovaLINCS, Amazon AWS (Research Grant / PhD-MSc Grants)

Other partners:
ETH, Checkpoint, Oracle,

Reference Users/Testing Partners:
CGD – Caixa Geral de Depósitos, DB – Deutsche Bank.


Henrique Domingos, Henrique Domingos, Bernardo Ferreira,

Sname MyPrivateEC2
Results Objectives Design, implementation, evaluation and product-integration of an open-source Results Open-source Virtualized Gateway Service prototyped and developed for the vSEC SE Appliance (AMAZON AWS certified solution based on Checkpoint vFW)
State Concluded
Startdate 01/10/2014
Enddate 30/09/2016