Publication date: 1 de June, 2021EuroWorkStation
EWS – EuroWorkStation started was originally a EC ESPRIT II European Project in which I participated as a member of the Faculty of Sciences – University of Lisbon in collaboration with the Chorus Systémes Company (France).
The main objective of this project was the design and creation of a High-Performance Technical Work Station for Scientific Research on Distributed and Parallel Systems and Applications.
The finalization of the project and its activities occurred after my transference, in 1994, to the FCT/UNL – Dep. of Computer Science and the beginning of my PhD under the supervision of Prof. Legatheaux Martins. The EWS consortium was composed by Siemens (DK), Bull (FR), GIPSI (FR), Chorus Systémes (FR), APD (SP), Rutherford Labs (UK), INRIA (FR, INESC (PT), FhG-AGD of Darmstad University (DK)and Brunel University (UK).
For our part we realized a port of the Chorus Microkernel System, designing and implementing a MultiBus II Communication architecture for a MultiSPARC Workstation (with 4 processors).
Funding Total | 582.000,00 |
State | Concluded |
Startdate | 01/01/1996 |
Enddate | 31/10/1999 |