
Publication date: 1 de June, 2021

LSMC 2012-2013: Large-scale parallel Monte Carlo simulations for Ocean Colour applications

This proposal is a follow-up of previous project LSMC 2011-12, aiming at a continuation of the ongoing studies on the basis of Milipeia’s consolidated computing capabilities towards the validation of satellite data collected in European seas, and better computational support for simulation-based scientific experimentation.
Large-scale Monte Carlo ocean colour simulations are carried out for theoretical assessments of uncertainty affecting in-situ optical measurements by autonomous above-water radiometer systems. Expected contributions are: a) improved definitions of in-situ above-water measurement protocols; and b) new tools and techniques aiming at flexible and cost-effective simulation-based experimentation.


José Cardoso e Cunha, Tamito Kajiyama,

Sname LSMC 2012-2013
State Concluded
Startdate 01/11/2012
Enddate 31/12/2013