
Publication date: 1 de June, 2021

Modeling Socio-Cyber-Physical Systems

In this project, a joint collaboration of the NOVA and Paderborn teams, we propose to research a new model-driven engineering (MDE) approach for socio-cyber-physical systems (S-CPS). The expertise of the Paderborn team on MDE will be used to propose a modeling approach capable of capturing the relevant aspects of a S-CPS and in particular its social part. This will be done in close collaboration with the NOVA team as we will prototype a modeling framework (involving domain specific modeling languages) targeting software engineers when designing S-CPS. While the Paderborn team will be responsible for prototyping a modeling environment, the NOVA team, given its expertise in empirical validation, will be responsible for designing and plan the empirical validation of the resulting environment with professional software engineers, including industry case studies. During this work we will make use of an existing Office Automation environment termed Smartlab operating already at NOVA.


Vasco Amaral, Stefan Sauer, Ana Moreira, Ankica Barisic, Jácome Cunha, João Araújo, Miguel Goulão, Gregor Engels, Bahar Jazayeri, Zahra Nouri,

State Concluded
Startdate 29/01/2020
Enddate 29/01/2020