
Publication date: 1 de June, 2021

Research Links to Explore and Advance Software Evolution

The goal of this network is to facilitate interdisciplinary exchange of ideas and interaction on software evolution in a broad sense. In general, the focus of interest will be on guiding principles of, and better tools for software evolution. The goal will be to suitably link theory-based and empirical approaches, to enhance mutual exchange of ideas and to foster collaborative research amongst the leading European groups on these topics. The topics will naturally include the use of mathematical formalisms as a foundation for industrial tools and processes to support software evolution. This cross fertilisation between mathematics and computer science on the one hand, and between process aspects and technological aspects on the other hand, is intended to lead to a better understanding of software evolution as a whole, which should lead to better tool support for all aspects of software evolution.


Miguel Wermelinger,

Funding Total 93,66
State Concluded
Startdate 01/11/2002
Enddate 31/10/2005