
Publication date: 28 de November, 2022

Trustworthy data science for improving healthcare efficiency: the case of the medical referral process

This project aims to develop a recommender system for the referral of specialist care doctors to be used by primary care doctors, that is compatible with current referral practice, and that can transparently encourage organizational change, toward a more effective patient-centric healthcare management.


Claudia Soares, João Leite,

Reference CMU/TIC/0016/2021
Funding Total 69046
Funding Center 34450
Results This project aims to develop a recommender system for the referral of specialist care doctors to be used by primary care doctors, that is compatible with current referral practice, and that can transparently encourage organizational change, toward a more effective patient-centric healthcare management.
State Concluded
Startdate 01/02/2022
Enddate 30/04/2023