Publication date: 1 de June, 2021AORE – Aspect-Oriented Requirements Engineering tool
The objective of the AORE tool is to provide developers with the procedural support they need to be able to specify and compose concerns (non-crosscutting and crosscutting) at requirements level. This tool supports our Aspect-Oriented Requirements Analysis (AORA) method. It can help requirements engineering and stakeholders to store and manage concern specifications and compositions. Also, the tool guarantees consistency and completeness of the concerns specifications and the composition rules in order to minimize error occurrence and omissions in the systems requirements. It helps tracing concerns from requirements to the specification and composition of concerns, through the History feature and Source attribute. It also offers import and export interfaces to XML to exchange concerns data with other applications. Finally, the multiple views facilitate the navigation within the approach.
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Date | 01/02/2008 |