
Publication date: 1 de June, 2021

STEARP-WSN: Sitan Project Tool for Experimental Analysis of Secure Routing Protocols in the WiSeNet SImulator

STEAR (Sitan Tool for Experimental Analysis of Secure Routing Protocols for WSN) implemented in the WiSeNet simulation environment, allowing the experimental evaluation and analysis by simulation of attack models against secure and intrusion tolerant routing protocols for wireless sensor networks.

The simulation tool is the result of a MSc thesis developed by Tiago Araújo, focused on Experimental Evaluation of Secure and Intrusion Tolerant Protocols for WSN, with Attack Injection Models. The tool includes different attack injection models: Hello Floods, Syncholes, Blackholes, Wormholes, Sybil Attacks and Selective Forwarding. With the tool distribution (source and binary distributions), several routing protocols are also implemented (INSENS, CLEANSLATE and SecFLOOD).


Henrique Domingos, Pedro Silva,