
Publication date: 1 de June, 2021

WESTOC: A Web-Enhanced Service To Ocean Color

The Web-Enhanced Service To Ocean Color (WESTOC) is an interactive Web interface to regional bio-optical inversion algorithms for the retrieval of ocean color data products from satellite observations in selected European seas [1, 2]. The regional bio-optical algorithms embedded in WESTOC are multilayer perceptron (MLP) neural networks trained with data collected within the framework of the Coastal Atmosphere and Sea Time Series (CoASTS) [3] and Bio-Optical mapping of Marine Properties (BiOMaP) [4] programs by the Institute for Environment and Sustainability (IES), JRC of EU, Italy. The MLPs were implemented to derive phytoplankton concentration, absorption of the yellow substance at 412 nm and concentration of the total suspended matter from satellite remote-sensing reflectance (Rrs) spectra. The WESTOC system is based on a novel approach that enables application case studies to: (1) evaluate the performance of regional MLPs with respect to field data collected by independent users; (2) assess the relevant of band-shift [5] for correcting difference between in-situ and mission-specific input Rrs center wavelengths; and (3) investigate how the accuracy of high-level data products can be improved by selecting input center wavelengths that accounts for the spectral uncertainty of space-born Rrs values.

WESTOC is a result of joint work by Davide D’Alimonte from CENTRIA, as part of the contract “Technical Assistance for the Validation of MERIS Marine Products at Several European Coastal Sea Basin” between the European Space Agency (ESA) and FCT/UNL.


[1] D. D’Alimonte, G. Zibordi, J.-F. Berthon, E. Canuti, and T. Kajiyama. Bio-optical algorithms for European seas: Performance and applicability of neural-net inversion schemes. JRC Scientific and Technical Reports JRC66326, Joint Research Centre, 2011.

[2] D. D’Alimonte, G. Zibordi, J.-F. Berthon, E. Canuti, and T. Kajiyama. Performance and applicability of bio-optical algorithms in different European seas. Remote Sens. Environ., 2011. submitted for publication.

[3] G. Zibordi, J.-F. Berthon, J. P. Doyle, S. Grossi, D. van der Linde, C. Targa, and L. Alberotanza. Coastal Atmosphere and Sea Time SERIES (CoASTS): A Long-term Measurement Program, volume 19 of SeaWiFS Postlaunch Technical Report Series, TM-2001-206892, pages 1–29. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, 2002.

[4] G. Zibordi, J.-F. Berthon, F. Mélin, and D. D’Alimonte. Cross-site consistent in situ measurements for satellite ocean color applications: the BiOMaP radiometric dataset. Remote Sens. Environ., 115(8):2104–2115, AUG 15 2011.

[5] G. Zibordi, J.-F. Berthon, F. Mélin, D. D’Alimonte, and S. Kaitala. Validation of Satellite Ocean Color Primary Products at Optically Complex Coastal Sites: Northern Adriatic Sea, Northern Baltic Proper and Gulf of Finland. Remote Sens. Environ., 113(12):2574–2591, 2009.


Tamito Kajiyama,

Date 01/01/2011