Research highlights details

  • January 13, 2021
  • Existing techniques for handling geo-referenced information do not conveniently explore interaction with multiple information sources in context to better support collaborative awareness. We have thus developed generic tools for the creation of collaborative geo-aware context dependent platforms. Examples include Hidralerta: Collaborative Platform for the Integrative evaluation of short-term forecasting data in coastal and port areas; LiveTeams: enabling real-time evaluation of emergency situations and rescue in the field; Lx Conventos: evaluating the impact of the extinction of Religious orders in the urban landscape of XIX Century Lisbon; and The Portuguese Atlas of Literary Landscapes: query, visualization and interaction with literary geographies, in several dimensions and according with the user’s geographic context. These projects have been developed in collaboration with several relevant external partners, including LNEC, CML, National Archives/Torre do Tombo, ANPC, and FCSH.