Publication date: 1 de June, 2021Big Data is all about data that we don’t have
Big Data is now becoming a buzz word in information technology industry and research. Is Big Data only about large volume of data?, and if it is yes, why is it suddenly becoming a trend. Hasn’t the growth of data volume been gigantic in the last decade? From a research point of view, it is not surprising to see researchers from all walks of computer science are trying to align their research to Big Data for the sake of being trendy. The question remains whether it tackles the real Big Data problems. In this talk, I will describe the misconceptions of Big Data, present motivating cases, and discuss the unavoidable challenges faced by industry and research.
Date | 29/06/2017 |
State | Concluded |
Host Bio | David Taniar is recognized for significant contributions in database query processing in Parallel Databases and Spatial Databases. He has authored two books on databases ("High Performance Parallel Database Processing and Grid Databases", Wiley 2008, and "Object-Oriented Oracle", 2006), and has received four best paper awards (from three IEEE conferences and one international journal). His list of publications can be found at the DBLP server ( He is the founding editor-in-chief of Intl. J. of Data Warehousing and Mining, and Intl. J. of Web and Grid Services, a PC chair and a General chair of a number of international conferences, and has been invited to deliver keynote speeches and tutorials at various international events. He is an Associate Professor at Monash University, Australia. Further details on his track records can be found at |