
Publication date: 1 de June, 2021

Comparing Variants of Strategic Ability

Alternating-time temporal logic (ATL) is a modal logic that allows to reason about agents’ abilities in game-like scenarios. Semantic variants of ATL are usually built upon different assumptions about the kind of game that is played, including capabilities of agents (perfect vs. imperfect information, perfect vs. imperfect
memory, etc.). We show that different semantics of ability give rise to different classes of games, and study their relationship.


Wojtek Jamroga,

Date 12/09/2012
State Concluded
Host Bio Wojtek Jamroga is a research associate at the University of Luxembourg and a visiting professor at the Polish-Japanese IT Institute. He works mainly in the area of multi-agent systems. His research is focused on modal logics for reasoning about agents and game-theoretic analysis of MAS. Wojtek Jamroga obtained his PhD from the University of Twente (Netherlands) in 2004, and completed his habilitation at the Clausthal University of Technology (Germany) in 2009. He has coauthored over 40 refereed publications, and is a Program Committee member of most important conferences and workshops in multi-agent systems. His teaching record includes courses at ESSLLI (European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information), and EASSS (European Agent Systems Summer School), all of them on logical aspects of multi-agent systems.