
Publication date: 1 de June, 2021

Configuração de Regras de Negócio para um Sistema de Recuperação de Crédito

This talk reports on the use of coordination contracts in a project for a credit recovery company. We have designed and implemented a framework that allows users to define several business rules according to pre-defined parameters. However, some rules require changes to the services provided by the system. For these, we use coordination contracts to intercept the calls to the underlying services and superpose whatever behaviour is imposed by the business rules applicable to that service. Such contracts can be added and deleted at run-time. Hence, our framework includes a configurator that, whenever a service is called, checks the applicable rules and configures the service with the given parameters and contracts, before proceeding with the call. Using this framework we have also devised a way to generate rule-dependent SQL code for batch-oriented services.

This work was done during the two years of leave of absence I was granted to work for ATX Software. The talk concludes with some personal remarks on the relevance of industrial experience for academics.

(trabalho conjunto com G. Koutsoukos, R. Avillez, H. Lourenço, J. Gouveia da ATX Software)


Michel Wermelinger,

Date 04/06/2003
State Concluded