
Publication date: 1 de June, 2021

Deadlock-freedom-by-design: Multiparty Asynchronous Global Programming

Chor is a new programming language for communicating systems,
where both behavioural protocol specifications and implementations
(choreographies) are given at a global level.
Then, the code for each concrete endpoint entity of a system can be
automatically generated, with the guarantees of soundness and
completeness wrt the originating descriptions.
Thanks to its global nature, Chor captures a new class of
asynchronous deadlock-free systems that eludes standard type systems
in concurrency theory.

In this talk, I will give an overview of the formal model behind Chor and I will
demonstrate its prototype implementation, an IDE and compiler that
allow for the first time to experiment with the global programming
paradigm. The target implementation language of the Chor compiler is
Jolie, enabling the generated code to interoperate with a variety of

More information can be found at the following links.
Chor website:

Jolie website:

Fabrizio Montesi’s website:


Fabrizio Montesi,

Date 20/03/2013
State Concluded