
Publication date: 1 de June, 2021

Development of the Bing search engine at the Microsoft Language Development Center

The Microsoft Language Development Center has been collaborating with the Munich Bing Search Technology center to improve the query understanding module of the Bing search engine.
In this talk we will start by providing an overview of the main components of a search engine and then focus our attention on the development of the query understanding module of Bing for Portuguese.
The query understanding module of a search engine is responsible for generating alterations for words in a query so that the altered query may match a broader set of documents and thus increase the likelihood of matching the most relevant documents. For instance, the query ‘michael songs’ could be rewritten to ‘michael jackson musics’, which is likely to improve the relevance of the results.
In the talk we will describe the engineering process and do an analysis of the relevance improvements, as measured by NDCG and other objective metrics, on live traffic.


Date 11/01/2012
State Concluded