Publication date: 1 de June, 2021InterProlog – the next 12 years
InterProlog is a Java/Objective-C to Prolog bridge providing high level data conversion and basic desktop GUI services to XSB, SWI and YAP Prolog; a complementary system, XJ from XSB Inc., adds more sophisticated functionality.
InterProlog has been around since 1998, but no major versions have been released since 2005 due to lack of resources. Neverthless two new versions have been developed in the meanwhile, and will be released in 2011:
– InterProlog 3.0, providing lighter object engine creation, capitalizing on Prolog multithreading, enviosining server/”cloud” applications
– InterProlog Mobile, the first logic engine for iPhone, initially supporting XSB Prolog.
The talk will review these, as well as new opportunities for GUI/Prolog integration, resorting to Javascript and related toolkits, and long term perspective. Potential applications and development roadmaps will be discussed with the audience.
Date | 09/02/2011 |
State | Concluded |