
Publication date: 1 de June, 2021

Markov Temporal Logic

Most models of agents and multi-agent systems include information about possible states of the system (that defines relations between states and their external characteristics), and information about relationships between states. Qualitative models of this kind assign no numerical measures to these relationships. At the same time, quantitative models assume that the relationships are measurable, and provide numerical information about the degrees of relations. In this paper, we explore the analogies between some qualitative and quantitative models of agents/processes, especially those between transition systems and Markovian models.

Typical analysis of Markovian models of processes refers only to the expected utility that can be obtained by the process. On the other hand, modal logic offers a systematic method of describing phenomena by combining various modal operators. Here, we try to exploit linguistic features, offered by propositional modal logic, for analysis of Markov chains and Markov decision processes. To this end, we propose _Markov temporal logic_: a multi-valued logic that extends the branching time logics CTL* and ATL*.


Wojtek Jamroga,

Date 17/06/2009
State Concluded
Host Bio Wojtek Jamroga obtained his PhD from the University of Twente (the Netherlands) in 2004, with a PhD thesis entitled "Using Multiple Models of Reality. On Agents who Know how to Play Safer". After that he was a postdoctoral researcher at the Clausthal University of Technology (Germany), where he completed his habilitation in 2009 (thesis: "Modeling, Verification, and Strategic Reasoning in Multi-Agent Systems"). Currently, he is a senior postdoc in the Intelligent Systems Group at the University of Luxembourg. He works on multi-agent systems - especially on modal logics that can be used to model, specify, and verify behavior of agents and their groups. Wojtek Jamroga has published over 40 refereed publications, and is a Program Committee member of most important conferences and workshops in multi-agent systems. His teaching record includes courses at ESSLLI (European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information), and EASSS (European Agent Systems Summer School), all of them on logical aspects of multi-agent systems.