Publication date: 1 de June, 2021OWL Rules
Favorable bridges between ontologies and rule paradigms are currently
being sought by researchers and practitioners in Semantic Web. We
introduce a new rule-based formalism – [b]OWL 2 Rules[/b] – for knowledge
representation and reasoning for the Semantic Web. OWL 2 Rules have
the following features:
[*]They are a decidable fragment of the Semantic Web Rules Language (SWRL);[/*]
[*]They can be internalised into OWL 2 (aka SROIQ);[/*]
[*]Extending the description logic EL++ with these rules is tractable (i.e. in P);[/*]
[*]Extending Description Logic Programs (DLP) with these rules is tractable (i.e. in P)[/*]
Date | 24/09/2008 |
State | Concluded |
Host Bio | [url=]Dr. habil. Pascal Hitzler[/url] is assistant professor at the [url=]Institute for Applied Informatics and Formal Description Methods[/url] (AIFB) at the [url=]University of Karlsruhe[/url] in Germany since 2004. His research record lists over 100 publications in such diverse areas as semantic web, neural-symbolic integration, knowledge representation and reasoning, lattice and domain theory, denotational semantics, and set-theoretic topology. He is a teacher at the [url=]Semantic Web Akademie Karlsruhe[/url]. He leads AIFB's activities in the SmartWeb project funded by the German Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) and in the ReaSem project on Practical Reasoning Support for Semantic Technologies funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, and contributes to reasoning research within the projects NeOn, X-Media and KnowledgeWeb, funded by the European Union. He is co-organizer of the workshops Reasoning on the Web at WWW2006 in Edinburgh, UK, and of OWL - Experiences and Directions (OWLED2006) in Athens, GA, and was programme chair at the 14th International Conference on Conceptual Structures (ICCS2006) in Aalborg, Denmark, in July 2006. He is a member of the steering committee of ICCS and of OWLED. He serves as a member of the W3C Rule Interchange Format working group. |