
Publication date: 1 de June, 2021

Panorama Creation and Image-based Navigation for Digital Heritage

Panorama is a type of image with 360-degree view angle. Because of misregistration and movement of object ghosting is still very hard to remove among existing algorithms. In this talk we discuss this problem and present our improved way to tackle it.

In this talk, we also discuss digital heritage using computer graphics techniques. Our heritage is continuous corrupted by nature or human being, intentionally or unintentionally, and recording its present look is very important. With image based modeling and rendering techniques in computer graphics, we can easily realize digital heritage and then virtually protect the heritage. Every sight spot is photographed and then modeled as a panorama, a wide angle image or a 3D model. To the panorama scene or the wide angle image scene, TIP technique can also be applied to its sub-scene. All these sight spots are set as hotspots and then connected to be a whole based on the guide map. Further, TIP technique can be applied the switch of the sight spot and then simulate the virtual walkthrough between sight spots. Every culture relic also can be photographed and modeled with object movie technique. With these modeling processes, an image-based navigation is reached finally. Some applications have been done by our lab and will be presented in this talk.


Zhigeng Pan,

Date 10/09/2003
State Concluded