
Publication date: 1 de June, 2021

Protein structure and bioinformatics

This talk will present a set of related problems in the computation of protein structures. It will focus on previous work on constraint programming for determining protein structures from spectroscopy data and modelling protein complexes, current work on data integration for elucidating transient protein interactions, and on open problems that may benefit from the contributions of other CENTRIA members. The goals of this talk will be to present this work on protein structure and to foster a connection with other research activities in our centre.


Date 20/05/2009
State Concluded
Host Bio Ludwig Krippahl graduated in Applied Chemistry at FCT/UNL, where he also finished his Ms.C. on Applied A.I. and his Ph.D. on Structural Biochemistry, under joint supervision from both the Chemistry and Computer Science departments. He did post-doctoral work on the application of constraint programming to determining protein structure and modelling protein interactions. He is now Assistant Professor at the Computer Science Department of FCT/UNL. His main research interest is protein structure modelling and computation, covering aspects from graphical representations to the computation of physical properties, structure and interactions. He is also currently interested in modelling dynamic systems, such as the kinetics of electrochemistry, and on machine learning to help predict protein interactions.