
Publication date: 1 de June, 2021

RDBMS support for one-to-many data transformations

Data transformations are essential in the context of data migration, data integration and
data warehousing. A data transformation is the fundamental unit of work in each of these processes.
One-to-many data transformations constitute a particular class of data transformations
that produce several output records for each input record.

We describe this class of data transformations, the contexts in which they are useful, and their support by Relational technology. We propose a benchmark for comparing the performance of the implementation methods offered by Relational Database Management
Systems (RDBMS) for supporting one-to-many data transformations. Furthermore, we compare three different RDBMS in regard to their performance and expressive power, when faced with one-to-many data
transformations, and report the results obtained.


Helena Galhardas,

Date 27/10/2010
State Concluded