
Publication date: 1 de June, 2021

Routing for Content-Based Networking — Optimal and Approximate Solutions

Traditional networking systems address messages to names
(network addresses, application level names, …).
Content-based networking systems allow sending messages to
a set of destinations implicitly determined by the messages contents.
Content-based networking decouple participants in space and time and do not require
them to previously know each other. Content-based networking
is an emerging paradigm being used by news and alert systems,
control and monitoring systems, mobile systems and wireless sensor

In this talk I will briefly introduce the main concepts and applications
of wireline content-based networking and briefly refer the new problems posed
in wireless systems. Then we will introduce an optimal solution to
the problem of routing in wireline content-based systems. As
this optimal solution is ideal, a set of approximate solutions will then
be reviewed.

The talk is based on a joint work with Sérgio Duarte.


Date 25/06/2007
State Concluded