Publication date: 1 de June, 2021Semantic-Based and Syntactic-Based Feature Interactions in Aspect-oriented Models
Detecting undesired interactions in aspect-oriented models is closely related to detecting undesired feature interactions. Aspect
interactions can be broadly categorized into syntactic interactions, which can be discovered by analysis based on syntax, and
semantic interactions, which require an interpretation of the meaning of models. Semantic interactions are very hard to detect
and at the same time often require significant rethinking or remodeling of the aspects. This talk will present three feature
interaction approaches for scenario models based a) on pre- and postconditions, b) on critical pair analysis, and c) on influence
models. These approaches require minimal additional specification and validation effort and allow for incremental definition of
new scenarios. The specification model comprises the intrinsic behavioral and structural properties of the application under
consideration, while the validation model consists of any additional information required for ensuring compliance with the
feature specifications. While the first two approaches deal mostly with syntactic interactions, the third approach uses goal
models to effectively reason about interactions based on model semantics.
Date | 09/06/2009 |
State | Concluded |