
Publication date: 1 de June, 2021

Specification and Verification of Open Systems with Abductive Logic Programming

Open systems are based on the interaction of heterogeneous, not known a-priori, in general unpredictable entities. The consequent lack of information impacts on the crucial tasks of their specification and verification.

Several computational logic frameworks can be appropriate tools for these purposes: specification can benefit from their simple, rigorous declarative semantics, while verification can exploit operational semantics with formal correctness properties. In the varied computational logic landscape, abductive logic programming offers a more natural representation of behaviors that cannot be predicted, but only hypothesized.

SCIFF is an abductive logic framework with constraints, originally conceived to specify and verify interaction in open multi-agent systems. Over the years, it undergone continual development and has been applied to diverse domains including normative systems, medical guidelines, web services, business processes.

This seminar’s purpose is to provide an overview of the SCIFF language, its declarative and operational semantics, its implementation and some of its applications.


Marco Alberti,

Date 18/03/2009
State Concluded
Host Bio Marco Alberti holds a M.Sc. in Electronic Engineering and a Ph.D. in Information Engineering from the University of Ferrara, Italy. His research interests include abductive logic programming, constraint logic programming, multi-agent systems, normative systems, semantic technologies. He joined CENTRIA as a researcher in January 2009.