
Publication date: 5 de June, 2024

The Session Abstract Machine

We build on a fine-grained analysis of session-based interaction as provided by the linear logic typing disciplines to introduce the SAM, an abstract machine for mechanically executing session-typed processes. A remarkable feature of the SAM’s design is its ability to naturally segregate and coordinate sequential with concurrent session behaviours. In particular, implicitly sequential parts of session programs may be efficiently executed by deterministic sequential application of SAM transitions, amenable to compilation, and without concurrent synchronisation mechanisms. We provide an intuitive discussion of the SAM structure and its underlying design, and state and prove its correctness for executing programs in a session calculus corresponding to full classical linear logic 𝐶𝐿𝐿. We also discuss extensions and applications of the SAM to the execution of linear and session-based programming languages.


Bernardo Toninho (NOVA LINCS - NOVA FCT),

Date 05/06/2024 3:00 pm
Location DI Seminars Room and Zoom