Dissertations details

  • Middleware para controlo cooperativo a partir de uma rede de dispositivos móveis
  • Nov 2018
  • Mobile devices are currently one of the main tools in our society due to their great com- putational capabilities and portability. In addition to communication, these devices are used in a variety of day-to-day activities. The increasing computational capacity of mo- bile devices has provided the basis for the development of new types of applications in order to improve the quality of life of its users. In this dissertation we explore one more of these cases, providing a way to support cooperation between devices. The solution developed in this dissertation offers a middleware for cooperative control. A generic framework has been designed that allows mobile devices, with the Android operating system, to combine their commands to control an application together. The system is intended to receive information flows provided by mobile devices, aggregate them and return the combination of the information sent by the devices. This end result is then applied to a target application. For validation a whole system that allows the cooperation between devices was de- signed and an Android application was developed in order to test the implemented sys- tem. A game developed by the Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologias, similar to the Pong game, was used as a case study, that is, as a target application, in order to obtain results. The obtained results show that the developed solution presents the desired behavior in environments with a considerable number of connected devices. It has been found that the system has relatively low information processing times, which allows the frequency of information sent to the target application to be high enough to achieve the desired behavior. It was also possible to verify that the energy consumption of the developed prototype is low, which allows its use in short and medium duration events.
  • Departamento de Informática, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa
  • Diogo Ribeiro
  • Hervé Paulino