Henrique Moniz


Computer Systems

Country: Portugal

Affiliation: Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, UNL

Email: h.moniz@fct.unl.pt


H. Moniz obtained his PhD from the University of Lisbon in late 2010, with a thesis titled "Byzantine Fault-Tolerant Agreement Protocols for Wireless Ad hoc Networks". He spent two semesters at the same institution as an Invited Assistant Professor and joined Microsoft Research Cambridge in May 2011 as a Post-Doctoral Researcher. Since early 2013, he has been a Post-Doctoral Researcher at FCT/UNL. His research interests lie in distributed systems and security. He has contributions in the areas of fault tolerance, security, wireless and mobile networks, and theory of distributed computing. Since joining Microsoft Research he has become interested in data center architectures and large-scale storage systems.