Projects details

  • AMPLE - Aspect-Oriented, Model-Driven Product Line Engineering
  • Oct 2006 - Sep 2009
  • The aim of this project is to provide a software Product Line (SPL) development methodology that offers improved modularisation of variations, their holistic treatment across the software lifecycle and maintenance of their (forward and backward) traceability during SPL evolution. Currently, there is a big gap between research in requirements analysis, architectural modelling and implementation technology, and the industrial practice in SPL engineering. Furthermore, the focus tends to be on the design and code level when variations need to be identified, managed and analysed from the very early stage of requirements engineering. Architecture models are related to requirements models in an ad-hoc fashion and implementation tends to rely on pre-processors which are inadequate substitute for proper programming language support for variability. Nor is there any systematic traceability framework for relating variations across a SPL engineering lifecycle. The aim of this project is to provide a software Product Line (SPL) development methodology that offers improved modularisation of variations, their holistic treatment across the software lifecycle and maintenance of their (forward and backward) traceability during SPL evolution. Currently, there is a big gap between research in requirements analysis, architectural modelling and implementation technology, and the industrial practice in SPL engineering. Furthermore, the focus tends to be on the design and code level when variations need to be identified, managed and analysed from the very early stage of requirements engineering. Architecture models are related to requirements models in an ad-hoc fashion and implementation tends to rely on pre-processors which are inadequate substitute for proper programming language support for variability. Nor is there any systematic traceability framework for relating variations across a SPL engineering lifecycle.
  • PI
  • Lancaster University
  • European Union
  • 3,7 Millio
  • 400K Euros
  • 1 Oct 2006
  • 30 Sep 2009
  • Ana Moreira [Coordinator], João Araújo [Researcher], Vasco Amaral [Researcher], Mauricio Alférez, Uirá Kulesza, Antonielly Rodrigues, João Santos
  • Lancaster University
  • Universidad de Malaga
  • SAP
  • Siemens
  • University of Twente
  • University of Darmsdat