Projects details

  • - Analysis and Synthesis of sentences in Portuguese and French
  • Jan 1999 - Jan 2001
  • This project aims at: designing and developing a kernel grammar description for Portuguese (lexicon, syntax, compositional semantics); integrating this kernel into the system ILLICO; designing and developing a Data Base kind of application that may be queried in Portuguese and French; taking into account context and discourse levels.
  • ICCTI/CNRS Contract 423/France
  • Scientific and Technical Inst. for the International Cooperation
  • CNRS
  • 1 Jan 1999
  • 1 Jan 2001
  • Gabriel Pereira Lopes [Coordinator], Robert Pasero
  • CENTRIA- FCT/UNL - Centro de Inteligência Artificial, FCT/UNL
  • LIF - Laboratoire d’ Informatique de Marseille
  • Designing and developing a kernel grammar description for Portuguese (lexicon, syntax, compositional semantics); integrating this kernel into the system ILLICO; designing and developing a Data Base kind of application that may be queried in Portuguese and French.