Ana Moreira

Associate Professor

Software Systems

Country: Portugal

Affiliation: Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, UNL



Ana Moreira is an invited Associate Professor with Habilitation at the Computer Science Department of FCT NOVA. She is a member of the Steering Committee of NOVA LINCS and the leader of the automated software engineering team in the Software Systems group.Her passion in Software Engineering is to conceive systematic approaches for developing better and more sustainable software, always ensuring that the intended stakeholder requirements, human values and qualities are correctly captured, specified, and integrated into a solution. She is specialized in requirements engineering, human factors in software development, model-driven engineering, and sustainability engineering. Ana successfully concluded the supervision of 7 PhD students, co-advised 2 PhD students from Brazilian universities, advised 9 post-doctoral students, and over 50 MSc students. Currently, she is superving one PhD student and 3 MSc students. She led and participated in several research projects funded by the European Commission, European Space Agency, the EPSRC, FCT, CAPES/GRICES, CRUP, and CYTED, and has been aconsultant for Spanish MCyT projects in incremental development and Value-driven Modeling for the Cloud, and UCI adaptation. She is a Council Board member of IREB, Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering. She is, or was, a member of four journal editorial boards (TSE, SoSyM, TAOSD, Annals of Telecommunications). She has been a member, or chair, of the Steering Committee for ACM/IEEE UML/MODELS, IEEE RE, REFSQ, ACMAOSD/Modularity, Conference Chair for UML 2004, and General Co-Chair for RE 2017. She was PC Chair for ACM AOSD 2009, Foundations Track Chair for ACM/IEEE MODELS 2013, ACM SAC-RE 2020, ICT for Sustainability (ICT4S 2020), ISD 2021 Track Chair, IEEE RE 2021, and REFSQ 2024. She is a PC or PB member of numerous international conferences (e.g., ICSE, MODELS, RE, CAiSE), co-organizer of various international workshops, and co-founder of the international movements pUML and Early Aspects. She publishes regularly on major fora, earned two 10-Years Most Influential papers, one awarded in Fukuoka,Japan in 2013, and another granted by the Software and Systems Modeling (SoSym) journal, awarded in the MODELS conference, Canada, in 2020, as well as 6 Best Paper Awards. She has contributed to the evaluation of research projects submitted to European Funding Grant Programs and other international funding institutions (e.g. MinCyT Argentina, MCyT ES, UK Royal Society, NWO Netherlands), as well as PhD grant proposals and final research project reports for FCT. She was a member of the panel for associate and full professor positions in various countries (e.g. UK, Norway, France, Canada), and many PhD discussions (e.g.Spain, Norway, UK, Finland, and Portugal).